Virginia Euwer Wolff

Virginia Euwer Wolff is a mother, grandmother, lapsed schoolteacher, summer swimmer, winter snow shoveler, lifelong amateur second violinist, and author of books for young readers. She has lived in the extremes of rural, unnelectrified Oregon and Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen. A Smith College graduate, she’s attended graduate school in four states but has no advanced degree. She now lives in New York State’s Hudson Valley and had been playing some chamber music before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. She tries to obey a writing adviser who said, “You must up the ante with every story you write.” Virginia believes that her position as the slowest kids’ author in the USA is, at this time, unchallenged. She’s won two Golden Kites (SCBWI), two Oregon Book Awards, a Jane Addams Book Award and Honor, a Printz Honor, the Phoenix Award (Children’s Literature Association), the NSK Neustadt Award, and the National Book Award.

Her agent is Elizabeth Harding of Curtis Brown, Ltd. Contact Virginia at


Melissa Hurt


Kathy Ceceri